Vid-Air Services
The Leader in Onboard Aircraft Entertainment Equipment was formed in 1987.
Vid Air Services is now on-line to the aviation market place. We are a primary supplier of Plasma Monitors in a variety of sizes. Our foremost product is the new 42" Plasma display Now Vid-Air is proud to provide the world's finest passenger Cabin Video equipment to the aviation world .

Vid-Air is committed to bring you the finest quality and highest value in this exciting new product. Vid-Air has made a commitment to prove our 42" Plasma display is unbeatable by any other vendor in quality, functionality, price and satisfaction

Vid-Air provideds excellent technical support to customers who were left in a vaccum due to non-operation of Inflight Services Inc. From thereon the personnel of Vid-Air who have a long and rich experience in developing Inflight Entertainment Systems provided airlines with new equipment. The latest and most innovative among them is the Plasma Panel Monitor.

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